Unveiling the Path to Eternal Joy: Obedience to God’s Commandments

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Mosiah 2:38-41 | Contrasting Spiritual Rebellion with Spiritual Freedom

Mosiah 2:38-41 provides profound insights into the consequences of obedience versus disobedience to God’s commandments in the context of lasting happiness and joy. Initially, the verses address the dire state of those who remain unrepentant. Such individuals, described as enemies to God, confront their mortality only to awaken to a keen awareness of their guilt, resulting in profound spiritual pain and anguish, metaphorically described as an unquenchable fire. This intense realization at life’s end underscores the inevitable encounter with divine justice, highlighting a critical absence: the merciful forgiveness that could have been theirs through obedience.

The subsequent verse, Mosiah 2:40, serves as a poignant reminder of the bleak reality for those who choose to transgress and harden their hearts against the truths of the gospel. This clear depiction acts as both a warning and a historical reflection on the repercussions of choosing spiritual rebellion.

In contrast, Mosiah 2:41 encapsulates the essence of the joy and happiness that stem from adherence to divine commandments. It portrays a starkly different outcome for those who embrace obedience. Not only do they navigate life’s challenges more gracefully, but they are also assured of eternal happiness—a resplendent state that far outweighs the transient pleasures of disobedience.

From personal experience, having once strayed from the path prescribed by the LDS Faith, I can attest to the initial illusions of freedom and renewal that eventually gave way to emptiness and turmoil. This personal journey echoes the broader themes of Mosiah 2:38-41. During my period away from the church, despite the superficial allure of independence from its doctrines, I felt increasingly alienated from a source of genuine joy and peace. Upon returning, it became evident that the teachings and community I had once dismissed were foundational to experiencing true and lasting happiness. The bitterness and critical views I observed in others who had also left the faith seemed to stem from a similar struggle—a deep-seated recognition of what was forfeited in pursuit of what was ultimately hollow.

Therefore, Mosiah 2:38-41 isn’t merely doctrinal; it’s a vivid depiction of life’s ultimate choices and their eternal implications. It’s about how our decisions align with a divine framework that is designed not to constrain us, but to guide us toward everlasting joy. Through these verses, we are reminded that true happiness is not found in the fleeting shadows of disobedience, but in the luminous warmth of living in harmony with God’s eternal laws.


Finding peace and happiness as a Christian, especially during times of struggle in faith, can be deeply challenging yet profoundly rewarding. Our instinctive desire for a life marked by happiness and peace often confronts the harsh realities of adversity, leading us into periods of doubt and spiritual crisis. However, embracing a scriptural perspective on happiness and peace can guide us through these trials.

In the modern world1See Hartman Rector, jr.’s May 1977 Devotional Message: Obedience Brings Happiness, many of us hold onto the belief, as articulated by Albert Ellis2 The Three Majors Musts we all express ourselves differently, but the irrational beliefs that upset us can be placed under three major headings. Each of these core beliefs contains an absolutistic must or demand. , that “Life must be easy, without discomfort or inconvenience.” This belief can sometimes set us up for frustration when we inevitably encounter difficulties. We tend to create contingency-based expectations for our happiness, such as “If I had a better paying job, then I’ll be happy” or “If people love and respect me, then I’ll be happy.” These “if, then” statements not only set us up for disappointment but also prevent us from taking personal accountability for our own emotional and spiritual well-being.

Interestingly, we often apply these unrealistic expectations to our relationship with God, misunderstanding His promises and the teachings of the scriptures. This misalignment can seed doubts in our faith, particularly evident among many faithful Christians. It is crucial to realize that our dissatisfaction or spiritual crises often stem not from God’s shortcomings but from our misinterpretations and unrealistic expectations.

Turning to the scriptures, Christ himself provided profound insights into dealing with life’s challenges. In John 16:33, He did not promise His disciples an easy journey; instead, He forewarned them of persecution and hardships but encouraged them to “be of good cheer” (euthumos in Greek, meaning to have good courage). Christ’s message was clear: true peace and joy come not from avoiding challenges but from facing them with courage and faith.

The pursuit of happiness as a constant state of being is an elusive goal; rather, happiness is a fleeting emotion. Scripture does not promise a life free from troubles, but it does teach that peace and joy are achievable through spiritual faithfulness. Christ taught that His peace differs from worldly peace—it is a peace that transcends understanding and is rooted in deep, abiding faith (John 14:27).

For those of us seeking to regain peace and happiness in times of faith struggles, consider Christ’s invitation in Matthew 11:28-30 to take His yoke upon us, promising that it is light. This symbolizes the peace that comes from walking in obedience to His teachings. Hebrews 12:2 further guides us to fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, whose joy was completed through obedience and enduring suffering.

Christ’s model of finding joy through obedience and enduring challenges3 By Elder David A. Bednar Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles –Jesus Christ: The Source of Enduring Joy | From a devotional address, “That They Might Have Joy,” delivered at Brigham Young University on December 4, 2018. Every member of the Lord’s restored Church who is striving to remember and honor sacred covenants and keep the commandments can receive the gift of enduring joy. offers a powerful blueprint for us. True joy and peace, as I have studied and found in scriptural teachings, are not about the absence of trouble but about faithful adherence to God’s will, even in the face of adversity.

To find peace and happiness as a Christian during spiritual struggles, we must shift our focus from external circumstances to internal spiritual growth and understanding. Fixing our eyes on Christ and following His example of obedience and resilience will not only help us navigate our current difficulties but also lead us to a deeper, more enduring joy and peace.

A Latter-day Saint Christian Perspective on Obedience and Faith

The focus of Latter-day Saints on ‘works’ is often misunderstood by Evangelical Christians as a theology that diminishes the importance of God’s grace. This misconception suggests that Latter-day Saints believe they must “work their way to heaven,” contrary to Evangelical emphasis that salvation is solely by God’s grace, though good works naturally follow true faith.

However, this perspective overlooks the fundamental scriptural teaching shared across Christianity, which emphasizes obedience to God’s commands as an integral expression of one’s faith4 Elder R. Conrad Schultz Of the Seventy – April 2002 General Conference: “Faith obedience” is a matter of trust. The question is simple: Do we trust our Heavenly Father? Do we trust our prophets? . In the scriptures, obedience is not just encouraged but presented as essential. For instance, Jesus Christ exemplified ultimate obedience by being “obedient unto death, even death on a cross” (Philippians 2:8). Jesus’ teachings also reinforce this, as He instructs that true love for Him is demonstrated through obedience: “If you love Me, keep My commandments” (John 14:15).

In the Christian doctrine, obedience is described as “dutiful or submissive compliance to the commands of one in authority.” Here the words ‘dutiful’ and ‘submissive’ articulate our obligation and willingness to relinquish our will to God’s. The commandments, as outlined in the Scriptures, are God’s clarified instructions to us. Adherence to these commands is not about earning salvation but fulfilling our duty to God, who has total authority over all creation.

Moreover, it’s crucial to understand that our obedience to God should stem from a place of love, not mere duty. Jesus emphasized that the spirit with which we obey (out of love and humility) is as important as the act of obedience itself. This differentiates genuine discipleship from legalistic observance, which was exemplified by the Pharisees. Despite their strict adherence to the Law, Jesus criticized the Pharisees for their hypocrisy and inward corruption, showing that compliance without the right heart is meaningless (Matthew 23:27-28).

Today, Christians are not bound by the Mosaic Law, as it was fulfilled through Christ (Matthew 5:17). Instead, we are guided by the ‘law of Christ,’ which is fundamentally a law of love (Galatians 6:2). This new covenant does not negate the necessity of obedience but frames it within the context of loving God and our neighbors, which encapsulates all the teachings of the law and prophets (Matthew 22:36–40).

In my personal scripture studies, I’ve come to realize that when Christ speaks of the narrow gate and the strait path in Matthew 7:14, He refers to a life of faith marked by active obedience. This path is not merely about belief in isolation but involves living out that faith through our actions, choices, and submission to God’s will.

So, while it is true that Latter-day Saints place a significant emphasis on ‘works,’ it is not in the context of earning salvation but as a natural and necessary expression of genuine faith and love for God. True Christian discipleship encompasses both faith in Christ and a life reflective of His teachings and example. This balanced approach recognizes that while our salvation is indeed a gift of grace, our response should be one of loving obedience and service.

1. Spiritual Rebellion: Consequences of Straying from Commandments

When we choose to disregard God’s commandments, we enter a state of spiritual rebellion5Topical Guide: Rebellion. This rebellion opens up a painful awareness of personal guilt and moral depravity, akin to an unquenchable fire that consumes from within. The Book of Mormon, in Mosiah 2:38, warns of the consequences of such rebellion.

The scriptures reveal that this torment extends beyond our mortal life, leaving the rebellious in a place where mercy is no longer accessible. The stark reality of spiritual rebellion is a sobering reminder of the importance of aligning our lives with God’s will.

2. Contrast of Obedience: Fulfillment and Peace

Consider the stark contrast found in the lives of those who diligently follow the commandments. Such individuals experience a profound sense of fulfillment and peace. They live without the heavy burdens of shame and guilt because they align their actions with divine expectations. Instead of shrinking away from the truth, they embrace it wholeheartedly. Their lives, characterized by humility, kindness, and compassion, reflect their deep faith.

Despite facing life’s inevitable struggles, their steadfast faith in Jesus Christ and adherence to His teachings anchor them6 See Dale G. Runland’s devotional address: Constructing Spiritual Stability. The Book of Mormon, in Mosiah 3:19, captures this idea beautifully: “For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father.”

3. Blessings of Obedience: Temporal and Spiritual

The blessings for the obedient are both temporal and spiritual7 See Jack A. Goaslind’s Devotional Message: The Rewards for Obedience. They extend beyond mere earthly rewards, promising eternal joy and satisfaction. As Apostle Paul eloquently puts it in his letter to Timothy, he depicts the life of a faithful individual as having “fought the good fight” and “run the race,” with the assurance of a crown of righteousness awaiting them (2 Timothy 4:7-8).

This powerful imagery not only underscores the rewards of steadfast faith and obedience but also serves as a motivational beacon for all believers. It reminds us that our obedience to God’s commandments is not in vain; rather, it is the gateway to eternal glory and the fullness of joy that our Heavenly Father desires for us.

4. Personal Journey: Challenges and Spiritual Convictions

In my personal journey, embracing the commandments has not been without challenges. The temptations of the world and the allure of temporary pleasures can sometimes make obedience seem like a burden. However, each act of faith and each decision to obey fortifies my resolve and deepens my spiritual convictions.

I have learned that it is this continuous effort to live in harmony with divine law that underpins the enduring happiness and peace in my life. The more I align my actions with God’s will, the more I experience the blessings and joy that come from obedience.

5. The Transformative Power of Obedience

Obedience to God’s commandments is not merely a matter of following rules; it is a transformative journey8 See Pam Musil’s Devotional: The Path to Transformative Change that reshapes our hearts, minds, and souls. It is the catalyst that ignites a profound change within us, enabling us to shed the shackles of spiritual rebellion and embrace the freedom that comes from aligning our lives with divine principles.

As we navigate the complexities of life, obedience becomes our guiding light, illuminating the path towards eternal joy and fulfillment. It is the foundation upon which we build our spiritual strength and resilience, empowering us to weather the storms of adversity and emerge victorious.

6. Eternal Rewards: The Crown of Righteousness

The rewards of obedience extend far beyond our earthly existence. The scriptures paint a vivid picture of the eternal glory that awaits those who remain faithful to God’s commandments. In the Book of Mormon, Alma 40:12 declares, “And then shall it come to pass, that the spirits of those who are righteous are received into a state of happiness, which is called paradise, a state of rest, a state of peace, where they shall rest from all their troubles and from all care, and sorrow.”

This promise of eternal rest and peace is the ultimate reward for those who have fought the good fight and remained steadfast in their obedience. It is a testament to the unwavering love and mercy of our Heavenly Father, who desires nothing more than for His children to return to Him and partake of the fullness of His glory.


Obedience to the commandments is not merely a matter of duty or fear of divine justice; it is a foundational step toward true happiness in life. By embracing God’s commandments, we embark on a transformative journey that leads us away from spiritual rebellion and towards lasting fulfillment and peace.

The blessings of obedience are both temporal and eternal, offering us the opportunity to experience joy and contentment in this life and the promise of eternal glory in the life to come. It is a path that requires faith, perseverance, and a willingness to submit our will to the divine will of our Heavenly Father.

As we navigate the challenges and trials of this mortal existence, let us hold fast to the principles of obedience, knowing that in doing so, we are not only honoring our covenants with God but also paving the way for a life enriched with divine blessings and devoid of spiritual torment. Embrace the transformative power of obedience and experience the fullness of joy that our Heavenly Father has in store for us.

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